Who's got a Powder Blue Tang, need help


New Member
Just got one today, and I was wondering if anybody out there has had some real luck with what they like to eat? I know algae, but what kind, brand, and any specifics that would really help me, I want to get him comfortable and start eating good immediately, I have always soaked my food in Marine C, and the results have been amazing, great color and immunity seems great, very active knock on wood healthy fish, Thanks kirkster7


Active Member
Can you give us some tank specs, like size, age, live rock, other fish, water parameters? This will help us a lot. THis is a very delicate fish and many people do not have success with them. Do you have it in a separate system, or in the main system?


New Member
75 gallon, he's 3-4 inches, the tank has about 110 lbs of live rock, half fiji and half from a diver collected in the caribbean, alot of coraline coverage, the tank is about 4 or 5 years old, I went with a sump filtration about 2 months ago (Amiracle wet/dry maxi reef 100) have a sterilizer that I use once every 2 months for about 24 hrs. and 2 powerheads a mag 7 pump for the sump, protein skimmer, everything is in good shape (trites, trates and so on) I add Kent superbuffer once a week for ph, (workswell) and tropic marin salt (high trace elements) I've got about 2-3 inches of live sand, and I have built roomy caves in the tank, really cool, lmk,
I have had my Powder Blue for over 1 year now. It eats great and is by far my favorite fish of all time. In the morning, I feed green seaweed selects in a lettuce clip. I give about 1/2 sheet per day. Also, when I first started, I put the clip at the top of the water level, and the pb would not come up for it. I now push the clip all the way down almost to the bottom of the tank, and the pb eats great every day.
I do not soak it in anything.
In the evening, I feed my whole tank frozen. I cannot remember the brand, but it is microencapsulated with vitamines. I get it at *****. The tang is usually rather picky. It will voraciously eat either brine or mysis shrimp, but will ignore anything else I have tried. I figure it is getting its needed vitamines from the frozen which is why I do not soak.
Good luck


Active Member
I've had my PB for over 31/2 years. He's getting over a paresite infection of some sort. He eats great. Just about anything. Nori, Frozen mysis, brine,angel formaula,spectrum pellets to name a few. Everything is soaked in Selcon,Zoe and most recently Garlic. He's my fav.
Once you get them acclimated, they are great fish. Some will say 75 too small. I believe while it's a bit on the small size, s/b ok. The best of luck.


New Member
my other fish are on marine cuisine and emerald entree frozen soaked in vitamin C, when I fed tonight (mixture of the 2 above, he did not eat, I will try to find some Garlic... I hear that finicky fish eat the garlic soaked food, I also put some seaweed selects red algae in a clamp near the bottom of the tank, I'll see if he eats it, he set up in one of my caves and I put it near the entrance....... Thanks for all the advice.......