Who's next to add?


New Member
I have a 92gal tank with 65-70lb live rock. Tank is four months old, and all levels are good. I have 3 green chromis, 2 clown fish and a mandarin goby. I want to add a hardy, peacefull fish(or pair) but don't know what. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.


Active Member
If you have a sandbed then some of the goby/shrimp pairs are a really neat addition. Six line wrasses are neat, firefish goby. Angel fish, tangs. You options are endless.


Kole Tangs look cool and will do well in that size tank. A yellow tang is also another possibility.
Flame Angel, Coral Beauty Angel, and Harlequin Tusk are also good additions, especially if you don't plan on the tank being a reef/invert tank.