whos used the rainbow fluidized sand filter?


New Member
i just orderd one.im going to replace my 2 quic sand fluidized filters with 1 rainbow-says good for 300 gallon.i have a 125 and the fsf i have now spit sand into the tank.they are very old and came with a old 90 i bought used.i hope my new rainbow fsf does nt spit sand into the tank. ?


I use a rainbow sand filter and it works very well. It is the only filter I have that I like but it does spit sand into the water and I have had to refill it. Good filter. ;)


New Member
good,glad to hear it.thanks guys.do you think my tank will recycle from changing the old sand filters to the new one? i only have 20 pounds of lr and 2 hot magnums on my 125.its only been up for 4 weeks.i have a clown tomato,red v lion,dragon wrasse,and a snow flake eel.my water cycled in 2 weeks,i used some tlc(type of cycle in a bottle).i was thing of readding some cycle, when i changed over the filters.i have some big pieces of dead coral and cc in it also. thx
i've got one and i could never get the adjustment right. it finally blew out all the sand. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> so, at this current time it is just holding space inline to all of the pumps.