Whose Dr. Ron

the claw

Active Member
I would be the first to admit that I'm in ignoramous, but could someone please tell me who Dr. Ron is. Is is Dr. Ron Sprung, no I don't think so, or is it Dr. Ron Borneman? No I'm sure that's not it.
Please anyone?????? Am I missing out on some expert? I do read lots, but guess maybe the wrong stuff, or am not paying attention. WHO IS THIS GUY?????

the claw

Active Member
Guess you know now that I don't use the other board.:D
Thanks Kipass!
and thanks everyone for not giving me a bad time about my English (whose and who is:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Active Member
What other board; you mean there's another board, yikes--even more opinions and fighting--one board is plenty for me :D


Active Member
I go the other board at times but have not been there in a long time. It was a good board when I used to go there. They have the same issues we have here, but there did to be a lot more flaming.


Active Member
i go to the other boards just for the selling and trading forums but when i have to know some thing i come here for help and just good reading. the pics are great here aswell and have gave me so many thing to think about as i set up my new tank. I will be a member here for a long time.


Dr. Ron aka The Sand Man (no kidding) You will know him when you see him. Once you spot him you will see many many many toadies following him around, bowing, worshiping, listinging to every crumb of information.
It is true thought that many follow him around and do take his advice as gospel, remember its just one opinion. I think the man is extreamly smart, all in all though he winds up just like us, learning along the way, he just makes a profit by it, or at least noteriety. Also remember that without pioneers like this where would we be, someone else would step up to the plate and make the pulpet thiers.
I have read plenty of his words, and yes, even followed his advice on some things. Guilty of quoting him even as I too learned on my way from him and many others. Grateful for his research.
But I do not agree with everything he has to say about sandbeds.
Now as to the Other Board, it was created when the riff raff was banned from here, just ask Beth she was around back then, she probably banned most of them. J/k :D


NOOO DSB here!
Krowleey - Go with an inch or two of sand, then if you like go with more, go for it. I quit telling people not to do DSB's.
As to the freaking out about this topic. We could do it on anything, any form of filtration including live rock, bio balls (my favorite), mud, sand, canister filters, in sump, hang on, you name it there are pro's and con's to everything. If you really don't know what to do then you need to study some more until you feel more comfortable.
Fearing the sand because of this topic is simply telling you to beware and learn the pro's and con's, know what your getting into. When you started this hobby you didn't know you were going to be a plumber, marine biologist, chemist, and such. Its all part of the learning process.
Jlem and I both use shallow sandbeds, so to does Sammystingray I believe. Each of us has our own reasons. Its a great filter whether it be shallow or deep, beats the hell out of crushed coral or gravel. (don't you agree jelm, or are you still stairing at your computer grining :D )
I say yes use the sand, I would personally use the southdown type or fine aragonite sand, no more than two inches, or about 80 pounds or so in a 90 gallon tank.


Active Member
gotcha tom, i think ill buy 50 lbs LS and 30 DS for my 72 bow then that should be about 2 mabey 3 inches, i am running a fuge so mabey i will use the Miracle mud in it what the hell


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712

Now as to the Other Board, it was created when the riff raff was banned from here, just ask Beth she was around back then, she probably banned most of them. J/k :D

LOL I think the bannee's have swf flame club, it's hysterical....lot's of fiction writing going on.
And who needs Dr. Ron when we have best bug guy I mean bang guy over here;) I have posted over there occasionally but, Sammy blew my cover


Yep I do really appriciate some of those bannee's, they send us alot of newbies without realizing it. The spouting off that they do there will show what they are made of. good ole open mouth insert foot.


Active Member
I think Dr. Ron is pretty darn smart....but by know mean a God, I also think a lot of people throw his name around with ideas attached to it that he never said. I think Toonen is much better if you can stand to read the miles and miles of scientific papers he's published you'll be a better aquarist for it.


Active Member

Originally posted by broncofish
I think Toonen is much better if you can stand to read the miles and miles of scientific papers he's published you'll be a better aquarist for it.

I could not agree with you more.....Toonen is an excellent source of honest info without all the guessing and stabs in the dark..