why all the diatoms?


Active Member
Every time I do a water change I get a diatom bloom. I change on average about once every 3 weeks, 30%. I've tried distilled from the store, RO from the store machine and RO/DI from the LFS and always the same thing. Water looks great but glass and sand get a diatom bloom. My tank is 7 mos old. Anyone know why this keeps happening?


Most likely it is something in your salt that is causing it. Eather run tests on the salt of try switching brands.


Active Member
So you guys think 30% is too much and that is causing the diatom bloom? And I'm not sure why we settled on that amount just do 10 gal changes and figure we have 40 gal of water which, duh is 25% not 30%


I use IO salt and change about 15 gallons every 3 or so weeks and don't get any diatoms in my 75. I would test the water and see if something is being added.
Do you wash out the tub with something before you use it? Any other habits with any other solutions/additives?


Active Member
Kent calcium, essential elements and DT's phytoplankton, that's all we add. I don't know where else I'm going to get water, I think I've tried every option except my own ro/di unit which is not an option unless someone give it to me for my birthday...Mom, Dad, honey, kids can I have an ro/di unit for my birthday?? pleeze?? hmm might work. ;)


After trying 3 water sources I doubt it is the water. Do you clean out the mixing tub with anything?


Active Member
no, we only use the saltwater and don't rinse it with freshwater or anything. We use those empty buckets that had IO salt in them orinally.


What fish shop do you go too in Norman...i have been going to crystal clear aquatics...just curious!

ed r

If your water is good (after trying 3 sources I would think one or more shoud be), changing 25-30% should not be a problem. It should be reducing the nutrient level because what you siphon out should have more than what you put back in. Is there any chance that the blooms are occurring at the three week intervals and not because you changed water? You could change your interval for water changes. Perhaps try two smaller changes a week apart, then two or four weeks apart. See if the blooms occur with the smaller closely spaced changes and if they continue to match the water changes or stick to the three week interval.
I am going through a diatom stage now with my new DSB. I have not been changing much water. In the morning they don't seem too bad, but by night time, it is pretty ugly. I believe (and hope) it is a phase that will pass. I will change some more water, but not anything major. I think I will add some Caulerpa to try to use up nutrients.
What causes your blooms to end? Do you siphon it out, or do they just go away? Do you have any measurable nitrates? Mine are still at zero, but the diatoms grow anyway. How many times has this occurred? Two, three, ten? I wish I had better suggestions for you. It may be that for a couple months the tank will be prone to diatom growth as the DSB matures. How is your pod population? Mine was great until I added a little Sailfin Tang. He ate almost everything on the surface of the sand and rocks in just six days. He also ripped out numerous Yellow Polyps. He is no longer in my tank.
I wish you the best of luck with it.


Active Member
Ed you bring up some interesting points. Mine also not so bad in morning but worse by night. I did wonder about the dsb conversion, had one afterwards, nitrates have been at about 20. Seems to go away by itself (with help from the conchs etc) and we did have an episode where a powerhead cover fell off and blew a big hole in the dsb. I'll change my water change course a little and see what happens. This one seems to be the worst so far. I'd add caulerpa but the tang would just eat it up. It has happened 3 times, starting with the one right after the dsb changeover and twice before the changeover. I'm certainly not overun with pods because of my fish (mandarin and sixline) but I've been adding them periodically and at night I see some pod action. The dsb seems to be doing it's job, getting colors in the layers and seeing worms and movement in the top area by the glass...that's all I can think of right now.


Active Member
RoGeTa - I buy everything at Crystal Clear - OK I've cheated on them at The Reef Shop for a colony of green centered button polyps. I really like Dave and Janeel at Crystal Clear and they give good advise which I very much appreciate. IMO I wouldn't buy fish anywhere else.