Why are all my clownfish dying??


Active Member
Ok i have my set up 30 gallon tank...its FOWLR..
•Live Rock- 10 lbs
•Live Sand- 37 lbs
1 Ocellieas Clownfish now i had 3

Emerald Crab
Tank Specs
PH: 7.8
Nitrate- 15
Ammonia- 0.25
Nitrite- 0.0
•x2 Secoundnature Whisper Filters
•Rena Cal Top light Excel 100 w heater
•Power Head
•Lifeguard Ultra Violet Sterilizer model QL-8
I added 3 clownfish...2 died..and one looks sick what do i do?
and y did they die?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
Ok i have my set up 30 gallon tank...its FOWLR..
•Live Rock- 10 lbs
•Live Sand- 37 lbs
1 Ocellieas Clownfish now i had 3

Emerald Crab
Tank Specs
PH: 7.8
Nitrate- 15
Ammonia- 0.25
Nitrite- 0.0
•x2 Secoundnature Whisper Filters
•Rena Cal Top light Excel 100 w heater
•Power Head
•Lifeguard Ultra Violet Sterilizer model QL-8
I added 3 clownfish...2 died..and one looks sick what do i do?
and y did they die?
pH too low amonia too high nitrates also high.although amonia and nitrates not at severe levels with the combination of imprper PH they could handle it .you must get you ph up to 8.2 nitrates and anomias down to 0.I suggest an 8.2 or an 8.3 ph buffer asap.ps clown fish are also very territorial you should not house more than 2 clowns of any species together


Definately get control over your levels, also how are you acclimating your fish into the tank? Clownfish are pretty hardy compared some fish, but even the hardiest fish will be stressed with off kilter levels and incorrect acclimation. If the fish died within a short time period, a couple of days or so, I would think it is acclimation.
I also agree, clowns need space or fighting will occur, and always keep a pair or one never more, did the dead fish look beaten to death by the other clown?