why aren't they more active?



My tank is about 6 weeks old and I have had my clowns for about 2 weeks. The clowns did the whole dance and never got more than a few inches apart. The male has refused to go out. He stays at the base of a rock and makes a crater all day he stays there. The female has zipped all over the place, more energy than the energizer bunny and has now camped out at the top of the tank. Almost swimming vertical. I did a water change yesterday and everything is fine nitrites 0
ph 8.4
temp 80
nitrates 0
ammonia 0
I don't know what the matter is if any, I thought that clowns were supposed to be active but mine aren't. Any thoughts?


hey sjohnston... where abouts in OK do you live?
I wouldn't worry too much about your clowns. Mine did the same thing. THey camp out in the top right side of the tank. They did this for a looooooooong time. Give it time and they'll eventually start playing around.
Also... where do you sit in your room where the tank is? I sit on the right side of my tank and that's where they are... if I go over to the left side I sometimes notice them "following" me over there. They could just be hanging out with you.


Hi theishkid! My clowns died yesterday and my damsel died this morning. I thought I was doing everything so good. My heart is broken and I'm not sure where to go from here. I have a cleaner shrimp that won't quit standing upside down. And three chromis that are chipper as ever. I live in Lindsay-south of OKC. What LFS do you go to?


aw man that sucks so bad. Unfortunitly you gotta get used to that sort of thing happening. You're just lucky they weren't more expensive than clowns. I just had a brand new black and white clown jump out of my tank a few days ago and it sucks. Be sure and check your tank levels again. Check everything. I live out in Mustang. I go to aquarium concepts and get help from jessie and derrick or I go to the reef shop and get help from erica. There's also a store out in Midwest city but i'm not sure of the name. I haven't been there in a while.


New Member
I am sorry to hear that you lost your fish. I know how you feel- we took a vacation this summer and came back to catastrophe.
: (
I have a clown that was the first fish in our tank- he is the only one who has survived everything. He has two spots he likes to hang out in most- a little area in the rocks in the front of the tank and the far, top-left corner. He goes there at night when the tank is dark- really creatures of habit.
Wish I had more to say- test everything and hopefully what is wrong is simple to correct and you will have better luck with your next clown.


Hey sorry I forgot to ask. Where do you go? Do you know of some place I don't? Anything in Lindsey or Norman?


The only place I know of in Norman is Crystal Clear but I like the Reef Shop better, they seem to be more helpful whereas Crystal Clear is only there for the sales. I haven't been to concepts yet. However, I have talked with Jesse over the phone. It's hard being so far away from a store. I hope that my luck gets better, my husband isn't coping with my new hobby so well!! When I get my mind set on something, it's hell or high water, no rest until I get my way!! Oh another place is Pet something on Penn (I think) but I wouldn't deal there, nasty tanks-smells bad when you walk in.
Thanks for y'alls concern hopefully things will get better and my hubby will learn to love this as much as I do.


I think you are thinking of the Pet Place. That's the one on Penn. It sucks so bad. How in the world do they let it get so runned down? I just don't understand. it's like they don't care about anything. It wouldn't be a half bad place if they just cleaned and acted like they care. My favorite place is the Reef Shop too. They are really nice and knowledgeable (if you talk to the right people). You're not missing much at Aquarium Concepts. They don't have half as much Saltwater as the Reef Shop. But Jessie is probably the smartest guy I have ever met when it comes to this stuff.


I will keep Jesse in mind the next time I have a problem. I seem to get different answers from everybody when I have questions. It makes it tough to make decisions when you're new at this. Do Aquarium Concepts have many corals? I don't have any right now and I think I will start stocking my tank with a few while I get over my fish loss. Can I do that or should I not do anything for the 6-8 week period? My tank looks

! Needs some color.


Aquarium Concepts does stock corals but nothing close to the Reef Shop. You will probably be ok with some corals as long as your lighting is ok. If you fish had a disease or something it normally can't be transfered to corals. If I were you I'd take a water sample up to the Reef Shop and talk to Erica. Ask her to do a complete water check for you. Be sure to tell her what happened. Tell her what kind of lighting you have and how long your tank has been set up, etc. She'll point you to a few hardy corals that will get you started. Do you have a picture of your tank?


I took a water sample to Reef Saturday and they said my water was perfect. I got a poly filter and its brown (whatever that means) and she told me to call her on wed. I don't know what happened. Damsel looked like it had ick but it was only a couple of spots and the clowns didn't have any physical signs other than the fact that they were not very active. Kind of thinking Brooklynella?? Marine velvet crossed my mind because it was so quick. The wierd thing is my chromis doesn't seem to be effected, any thoughts?


If your poly filter was already brown then you have something that's off the charts and that's and that's probably why your fish died. Maybe let the water cycle for a little while longer before trying to add something else.