why? blue mushrooom turned purple?



iv finally got myself a blue mushroom and i put it in my tank and its gone purple! well sort of purply-blue, when i cover it up with my hand its blue again so obviously its my lights, i have standard marine tubes in it so what does anyone suggest? am, i correct in saying my lights must be high in the red spectrum to make blue appear purple?
(im not gettin metal halides cos where i work in the local fish shop it turns the water so warm and in my tank it would cook everything! the heat is amazing! )


New Member
Hey, I too have blue mushrooms that are about 2/3 up in my tank using power compacts. Befor the lights come on in the afternoon the shrooms are very blue, but the longer the light is on they turn more purple. Guess this is a reaction to the light. You may expose them to less light. I also have red shrooms that are in the middle of the tank and the ones that have went to the bottom of the tank are a darker red and stay that way all the time the lights are on. Just try moving to less light and see.


Active Member
It's not so much a reaction to the light that turns them purple. It's the way our eyes see the reflected light from various spectrum of lighting. It's still "blue", you just can't tell! Moving them around in your tank can sometimes help as the light might have a different quality in the shade or at edges of your tank etc.