Why did future 150 gallon disappear?


Hello Mods,
I had a great informational thread titled "future 150 gallon." I made this thread to help me with setting this tank up. It is GONE. This has happened to me in the past, and I want to know why it got deleted. Please respond to this and dont just delete this-as that has happened to me in the past. All I need to know is a one sentence reason and I'll drop it. Please let me know. That thread was pure information, there was no "chat room" type thing going on.


Staff member
Let me give you a heads up. Do not keep bumping threads just for the sake of bringing it back to the top.
Topics live then die in the forums. It is not up to you to repeatedly try to resurrect them with bumps. Also, if you have a question for mods, ask it ONCE. Repeating the question over and over, and getting friends to join in the "lets plague" the mod posts, is annoying and could get you in trouble again.