Why did my fish die???


I added a longnose hawkfish to our tank on Saturday. He had been at the LFS for 9 days before I took him home, and he did well there. Once added to my tank he did well there, too. The only other fish in the tank are two perculas, and all three fish seemed to get along fine. They would play with each other all the time. The longnose was eating well and seemed very healthy and happy in his new home. Then, yesterday, he was dead when I got home. I teasted the water and everything was good: amm 0, trites 0, trates 0, S.G. 1.0235, ph 8.2. Any idea why this fish passed away? I feel terrible about it :(


Active Member
Sometimes, through no fault of our own, fish die. Could be the way they are caught or shipped. Cyanide is a possibility. There could have been internal problems. Who knows? Even the healthiest of tanks will sometimes have a death.
Just don't get down on yourself. It happens to the best of them.