Why do my clowns keep getting sick?


Active Member
I have had 2 perculas die on me and a third one on its way. They all got the same thing which might be brooklynella but I am doubtful. Is there something in the tank that could be causing the disease? All three of the fish were captive bred.


Staff member
What are the symptoms? More details about what is going specifically are needed.


Active Member
It looks like tiny little patches of fungus or some kind of parasites. The fish still has their vibrant color, still swims normally, doesn't eat, and breaths faster than normal. I just went to my LFS and he said he thinks it might be some kind of parasite like ich or cryptocaryon so I got "NO-ICH." I can put that right in the tank and it won't harm inverts, corals, or anything except parasites. I will see if it works the next time I get fish.