why do people say bio-wheels suck?

just wondering, i see it all over the boards, people are always saying to get to a sump or other type of filter, but NOT a bio-wheel, i use one and see nothing wrong with it so far, but only have had the tank up for 2 months, so is there something im missing that could go wrong at some point with it? and should i get a different filter? TIA


Active Member
Most people say they suck because one or two people had problems with them...so they are obviously bad...
It is the same for anything...most opinionated people on here usually do not even have any experience with the particular product they are slamming...


Well-Known Member
i think it is more of a fashion statement than anything else. for instance, I use landscape lava rocks and crushed coral in my new refug with a filter comparment. But the tank just right on processing the waste regardless of what is providing the surface area to grow the bacteria on.
yea it seems like alot of people on here go by the moto "if you dont have mass money to spend on this hobby, dont do it". or at least that is how it seems to me, if you dont have a 200g tank with like 10 55g tanks sitting around and some $200 fish your not worthy of this hobby. not trying to flame anyone, just that i see alot of people go off on someone else because they didnt get top of the line this or that, i dont think you have to spend alot of money on this to enjoy what your doing, i love it but dont have a ton of money, and i think people should support others on here that are just starting out a little more, or at least the ones that dont do it already, but for the ones that do, thanks. also is the "can" filter better then the bio-wheel at all or has anyone used both? TIA


Active Member
biowheels are suppose to change color and slow down, if some people would read the directions it explains it, I've got 2 biowheel filters and they work ok for me but I haven't tried them with saltwater yet though, I'm cycling my QT tank which is a 10gal with a penguin 170 filter


I recent purcahsed a filter, and opted against the biowheel, but it's not big deal one way of the other. Because of my experience with moving parts that I have to fiddle with and replace - I made up my mind the first thing I'd do is take that little wheel thing off if I bought that filter. Not sure what it was supposed to do, but I figured as it didn't have much surface area, and didn't spend much time in the water - so I could probably get along fine without it.
I may have bought the filter anyway - but for the same price I could get one without the mechanical show - and went that route instead.


they get a bad rap as a "Nitrate Factory" when the fact is all filters produce nitrates, it's their funtion. You just need to then have something to consume the nitrates. IMO Bio-wheels are very efficient filters and there is no reason not to use one if you need additional filtration. I ran one for a long time until I got enough rock (and a sand bed) in my tank to feel I did not need the filtration any longer. I still run the unit for additional flow and to run carbon once a month but have removed the wheels.
the wheel is there to hold the good bactirea in your tank, and as it loads up on it, it will turn tanish color and slow down, that is good, means you have a lot of stuff in it that is good for your tank, its only bad if it stops. one thing im worried about is im getting rdy to set up my 55g as a aggr. tank, and the fish in there will go into my 29g, so when its aggr. i cant have much of a clean up crew, so will the bio-wheel do good enough for the tank or should i get like another filter to add to it?


I dont think biowheels suck. Literally every type of filter has a place in aqauria. Its just a matter of what works best for the inhabitants in your tank. some methods of filtration require a little more care than others.


Active Member
Bio wheels don't suck. I have an 8 incher myself. I think it to be very efficient.
I was just trying to point out why I believe most people make some of the comments they do about products.
yea i mean the canister filter, ive been thinking of trying one our, just so i can say ive used both types and so when people talk about it, i know about them both.


Active Member
people say bio wheels (as well as Bioballs ) suck because they are too lazy to clean them- if you keep the free of detritus buildup by rinsing them well monthly or so (with SW)- they do not cause a problem


I have a emp 400 bio wheel its 6 years old I have had it for about 4 years up and running. I got from a friend. never replaced anything same wheels with a bunch of crap on them. if it brakes than the I will buy another one in the same day! LOL mine has some mileage on it would you say:D


if you dont have a 200g tank with like 10 55g tanks sitting around and some $200 fish your not worthy of this hobby.

"we're not worthy, we're not worthy" Any Wayne's World fans? Anyways, I started my first SW tank, a 55 acrylic, with a box filter and an undergravel filter with bubblers not powerheads and that tank is still running and it's been a long time, like a month, LOL, just kidding. I've had that tank for years. Not only that but I got the filters for free and the tank was dirt cheap too. I must not be worthy, guess I can't afford to be. Relating to the topic at hand, I have never had a problem with bio-wheels or balls, in either salt or fresh tanks.



Originally posted by maxweljames
"we're not worthy, we're not worthy" Any Wayne's World fans? Anyways, I started my first SW tank, a 55 acrylic, with a box filter and an undergravel filter with bubblers not powerheads and that tank is still running and it's been a long time, like a month, LOL, just kidding. I've had that tank for years. Not only that but I got the filters for free and the tank was dirt cheap too. I must not be worthy, guess I can't afford to be. Relating to the topic at hand, I have never had a problem with bio-wheels or balls, in either salt or fresh tanks.

Every system is differnt. IMO UGF even have a place. Im jumping into my flame retardent suit right now. I am seriously considering running a UGF on a 20 gal tank with just mushrooms and xenias and halamadeda and gracilaria and a mantis shrimp.


Active Member
I've never used a biowheel so I can't say much about them.
I think they serve a purpose for some folks - and do what they are designed to do.
As mentioned above - maintenance on any piece of equipment is the key to it working right.