Why do stars get special treatment when it comes to crimes?????


Is it me or do famous people get special treatment when commit crimes? By crimes I mean DUI's, being arrested with drugs, etc.... If this happened to the common people, we would be paying fines(which stars do also) but the common people would be doing jail time also. Where as famous people get no jail time(very rarely do they do jail time) and maybe just community service. I think that the laws should be the same for stars and common people.
I think that if judges start enforcing the law against famous people, that crimes like drug use or DUI's would go down in the Hollywood community. Famous people (actors, sports figures) should be held at a higher standard then what they are right now.


Active Member
I would be happy if they would just pay their stinkin' taxes.
We would have no debt to speak of......


Originally Posted by calbert0
Lil' Wayne is serving time on a gun charge right now.
yes he is, but not with all the other inmates, celebs. are put in a different section, for "personal safety" meaning so no one can kill them and get famous for it


How do we know that they get "special" treatment.....I mean does the average Joe Schmo who commits a crime get plastered all over the headlines...NOOOOO.....I know a lot of dumb as$ people around here who get away with all kinds of crap....and believe me...they are NOBODIES...you just don't read about them all the time

crypt keeper

Active Member
They dont get time because of thread slike this. You dont care about John Doe down the street. You dont discuss him. You dont sit down watch him entertain you. He doesnt make millions and get his face all over Tv for winning the Big game or winning the Oscar. I dont know why people cant understand that. These people get special treatment because they are special. If they arent, then never watch tv again. Never listen to another song ever again. Never watch another sport on Tv or in person ever again. You're life would be boring as hell without these people.

darthtang aw

Active Member
a single dui does not get you jail time...thus why they don't serve jail time.

Little Kim
Christian Slater
Mike Tyson
Robert Downey Jr...
Rae Caruth
Tank johnston
Dexter manley
Nate Newton
Jamal Lewis
Thomas Henderson
Michael Vick
are just a few I can think of to serve time.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
They dont get time because of thread slike this. You dont care about John Doe down the street. You dont discuss him. You dont sit down watch him entertain you. He doesnt make millions and get his face all over Tv for winning the Big game or winning the Oscar. I dont know why people cant understand that. These people get special treatment because they are special. If they arent, then never watch tv again. Never listen to another song ever again. Never watch another sport on Tv or in person ever again. You're life would be boring as hell without these people.
Very good point as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
They dont get time because of thread slike this. You dont care about John Doe down the street. You dont discuss him. You dont sit down watch him entertain you. He doesnt make millions and get his face all over Tv for winning the Big game or winning the Oscar. I dont know why people cant understand that. These people get special treatment because they are special. If they arent, then never watch tv again. Never listen to another song ever again. Never watch another sport on Tv or in person ever again. You're life would be boring as hell without these people.
So "these people" get this special treatment you speak of simply because of the job's they do? Because that's all it is, is a job. I don't put any of these people on a pedestal, and neither should legal authorities. Last I looked, there's not a seperate law book for committing a DUI for a 'somebody' and another for a 'nobody'. Do these 'somebody's' have a special designation on their driver's license that denotes they're a celebrity, so they get special treatment? If so, let me know how to get one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
make 7 figures a year and entertain millions of people on television or the big screen. Glad I could help you out.
Which line at the DPS office do I get into to get the exclusion?