Why do we like triggers?


Before I put this tank together 2 months ago I had been away from the hobby for about 3 years.
The first fish I had to get was a clown trigger and while I was at the lfs a little picaso like a lost puppy dog.
To me they are beautiful and smart, extremely hardy.
But now I'm remembering the love hate relationship. I've already had a casualty, and my domino damsel's fins are shreaded and they really seem to limit what you can keep with them.
What are your experiences with triggers long term? I'm thinkin they are just to much trouble.
Help me out, keep or dont keep


Personally, I think that triggers are very photogenic or make wonderful species tanks. They're evil. Anything that has even been *rumored* to chomp heater tubing...or teeth scraping on the glass. Pretty, but you couldn't pay me to have one in anythign other than a species tank (and since I'm not too fond of a 135 species tank...I'll just have to keep looking at pictures of clown triggers lol)


Active Member
in my old 90 i had a

trigger... prob the best fish to this date i had next to my oscar.... dunno if its the way they swim, or personallities.. but i wish i had the room to have a agressive tank...


I've grown to love these fish for what they are. It's a way of life to own triggers. Thier so destructive on the tank, and filter system, but thier so entertaining to watch. I have a huma huma that will grind his teeth while you watch him. It's almost like the fish is telling you something. I also have a clown, a bursa, a half moon, and a large lion. They all live in a 300 96x24x30 gal tank with about 150lbs of live rock. The personallity these fish have is amazing! Even though it's a large tank for 5 fish, the tank is always moving with action.