why in the hell is my water air rateing


55 Gallon Cornor Reef Ready Tank
75 Pound Live Rock
2.5 Inch Live Sand
20 Gallon Hexagon Refugium Split In 2 With Sump
Coralife 65 Protein Skimmer
5th Day Of Cycle Has Lots Of Micro Bubbles In Tank And Sump Line Leading To
Refugium Has Lots Of Air Traveling Through Line Is This Normal? Return Pump
Is Completley Submerged All Clamps Tight, All Fittings Tight What Gives?


The bubble mystery has plagued most of us at one time or another. Put on your detectives hat, start at the top and work your way down (or vice-versa)
(oh, and please use HECK or something instead of the other H word)
Why do you have air in your return line? If your return pump and overflow are balanced, your water flow shoulnt be too 'airy' though if you have a large tube/pipe return, it will suck air, but should be solid flow by time it reaches the sump.
Check all your powerheads by turning them off one at a time and see if any are blowing bubbles-sometimes they just get some air in that needs to be bled out.
Check your skimmer-a primo source of bubbles as well, especially microbubbles. You may need to clean out the intake/venturi with warm non salt water.
Also, some additives can cause your water to bubble up when aerated.
Good luck and good hunting!


Active Member
how big of a return pump are you using? I have found that most people are trying to push too much flow through their sumps, causing too much turbulance and bubbles in the sump.
try turning the flow down and see what happens.