Why Is He Hiding?


New Member
I have a marine Beta and I have had it close to 2 weeks and I never see it come out behind the rocks, I never see him. Is that normal


Active Member
man i dont have much info for you on this one the last time i saw a betta, it was in my buddies tank in atlanta, that dude got huge, but then thinking back i never really saw him come out much unless it was time to eat. but 2 weeks, he may still be getting used to being in a new environment, how does he look? healthy? eating? anything in your tank that may be bullying him? im just trying to get an idea of the situation


should have done research before buying the betta. these guys are really shy and will never come out fully and swim around. hopefully you have your's eating because that is another obstacle to tackle when you buy them, but once they are eating they are fine.