why is my angler losing color?


Active Member
i have a yellow angler in a 20 gallon tank. i bought it really really small and now its a little bigger. lately it has been losing color. i bought it when it was really a bright yellow with black spots or stripes on it. right now, angler is like a really really light brown and kind of dull. the spots or stripes is also a light brown with dark outlines. my pH is in the middle of 7.8 and 8.0 . my salinity is 1.023. i feed it one feeder every other day.
i have a heater and the temps. are 83 degrees fahrenheit. thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

salty chee

Feixjai, a 20 gallon tank is abit to small for an angler. You would at least need a 30 gallon. Maybe that is one reason.
Also this is the correct measures of your tank chemicals:
ph: 8.15-8.6
alkalinity: 2.0-5.0 meg/L
Ammonia: 0-0
Nitrite: 0-0
Nitrate: <20 mg/L (ion)
Phosphate: < 0.05 mg/L
Strontium: 8.0 mg/L
Iodide: 0.6 mg/L
Dissolved oxygen: >6.90 mg/L
I wouldn't worry about the ph. Also what type of angler do you have. The symtoms that you are seeing could be a sine of maturity. Please try to post a pic! :joy: Hope this helps!


Staff member
I honestly can't say I know much about these fish, but unless you are keeping your tank in darkness, the problem could be that the fish is "failing to thrieve" due to environment. This fish are deep sea and are not accostomed to intense lighting. Are your lights NOs? Or VHOs and higher?