Why is my clownfish "hiding"



It looks like he may be "guarding" something. I purchased this one from a local guy a week or so ago. I also have a smaller one that was in there before. The bigger one is hiding in some rock work and won't even come out to feed. It is very healthy though and I've been putting food in it's "area" and it is eating fine.
Could this clown be guarding eggs? I'll admit, I know NOTHING about this so forgive the silly question.


Active Member
More than likely it is not used to the new surroundings . Give it time . I wouldn`t spot feed it in the area it is hiding in , it may never come out if you keep feeding it there . Just put food in the tank as you normally would . If it is hungry , it will come and get some .


Originally Posted by Dawman
More than likely it is not used to the new surroundings . Give it time . I wouldn`t spot feed it in the area it is hiding in , it may never come out if you keep feeding it there . Just put food in the tank as you normally would . If it is hungry , it will come and get some .
That would make sense, except that he was out swimming all over the tank until about 3 days ago when he went into his spot. Now he won't come out. I don't know, but as long as he's healthy, I really don't care.


Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your clown? I have had mine for a couple months and now every couple of days he hides. The smaller clown i have is still roaming the tank not hiding.