Why is my Hippo tang Turning Black?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is there another question you would like to ask? How is the fish doing?
no, no other questions but he seems to be doing fine. just wanted to hear some other thoughts, oppinions?
well could he have grown into it?
he was a baby blue when i got him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Man - seems to be the first post that I've seen that stumped everybody!
I 2nd tht.
what bout banguy?
i havent seen him around. mayeb he might no? i know he seems very knowledgeable on this stumpabe stuff.


Active Member
Also, not to promote another forum, but somebody on -- might know. Just from the huge amount of people there, somebody might have a good idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Also, not to promote another forum, but somebody on -- might know. Just from the huge amount of people there, somebody might have a good idea.
nope. i asked without pics. no one knew.


Active Member
you know.. i haven't seen this asked yet....
the dreaded question: what size tank is this fish in? i know foxfaces can get black from stress and have been wondering if this is the case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you know.. i haven't seen this asked yet....
the dreaded question: what size tank is this fish in? i know foxfaces can get black from stress and have been wondering if this is the case.

Intresting thought......Although the way I am understanding the coloration (Keep in mind I am wrong 9 times outta 10) Is that the fish always has the black coloring..Like some kind of morph, Foxfaces change color in an instant and can switch back to the beautiful yellow just as quick...
I am also wondering where Bang is...Havent seen him in a few moon..


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you know.. i haven't seen this asked yet....
the dreaded question: what size tank is this fish in? i know foxfaces can get black from stress and have been wondering if this is the case.
well im not ure if the hippo does turn a color due to stress cus i have seen people keep them in a 75 and they stay the blue color at which u buy them.
this small hippo is currently in a 90 gallon with bout 40-50 lbs of lr .so there is alot of open space to swim around.
i know that he is going to need a bigger tank when he gets another few inches. but if it is what u have stated, will it go back if he was no longer stressed or is it a permenant thing?


i have seen blue hippos with the same colouring at my lfs. i thought to myself "gee thats odd" but from memory it did look like pigmentation


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
81?? What do you have it usually? I didn't think 81 was high at all. Mine is 80.
it is usually 81! i havent checked my temp in a long time. last time i did was winter..

be nice. i know im an idiot..
so can the take be kept at night at likt 76-77? or is tht to low?


Active Member
i keep my tank at 79, and temp fluxuates up to about 81 during the day.
the only time temp should be an issue is if you have pretty big swings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i keep my tank at 79, and temp fluxuates up to about 81 during the day.
the only time temp should be an issue is if you have pretty big swings.
weel today it was at 76! cus i turned it down..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
weel today it was at 76! cus i turned it down..

i cam home from the lfs and the temp is currently, 76 and the hippo is turning a lighter blue, but his belly is now almopst a pale white,


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Hmm. Now that sounds like stress, eh? I don't know a lot about blues, but this one sounds simply wierd.
yyeah. maybe it is?
but i have heard of tanks at 81 degrees and they donbt have problems, the tank isnt at 81 constantly anways.
but the black isnt going away. the blue left is just lightening up

picky little fella


Active Member
Wow, he is picky.
I keep my tank 79-80. Usually 80. As renogaw said - the biggest thing is to prevent big swings in temp. I've seen tanks that always sit at 76 and others that sit around 82 - but that is what they have become use to.
If you have been fluctuating b/w 76 and 80, then this could become stressful. I use a 250W Stealth heater. I dial it in at 80 and it almost always is there.
But I still doubt the black fella isn't this way secondary to the temp. He just sounds special. If anything, the fading of the blue might be secondary to the temp fluctautions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Wow, he is picky.
I keep my tank 79-80. Usually 80. As renogaw said - the biggest thing is to prevent big swings in temp. I've seen tanks that always sit at 76 and others that sit around 82 - but that is what they have become use to.
If you have been fluctuating b/w 76 and 80, then this could become stressful. I use a 250W Stealth heater. I dial it in at 80 and it almost always is there.
But I still doubt the black fella isn't this way secondary to the temp. He just sounds special. If anything, the fading of the blue might be secondary to the temp fluctautions.
yeah i asked the lfs. he hasnt heard of it.
well the temp maybe does determine the color. but i like him but i reallllyyy like the baby blue that they are.