Why is my largest Kenya tree dying?


Active Member
Water is testing good, all the frags it has thrown off are super healthy as is all my other corals, lights are newish and no other problems yet my largest Kenya tree looks like it is bleached and dying. The only thing I can think of is maybe it is not getting enough to eat? I'm also wondering at what point I should pull it out of the tank since it is a big coral in a small nano.


Mine did this too and them came back full force. On another forum a belong to a couple other people have complained of theirs doing the same.


mine always looks bad when I put it into too much flow or a fish gets itno it. you don't have a clown hosting or soemthing do you?


Active Member
I never really see my clowns messing around with it. It is starting to look a little better today, at least it opened up a little.


Active Member
Mine doesn't like to be touched either by anything. I think mine is getting too much flow but I don't want to change my current flow and I have no where else to move the kenya too. I can just hope that it will adapt to the conditions. If it hadn't grown so darn big so quikly, I wouldn't have any problems.


Kenyas will do this quite often. I have Kenyas everywhere now because they spread like crazy, but I had my biggest one go down for about 2 weeks and I thought it was dead and it came back fine and is big again.


I think you cursed me, I moved my huge kenya out of the flow yesterdaya dn he got all shrunk up and never unshrunk at all today. that's not so odd, but on the other side of the tank I ahve another one that is pretty large and it is allso shrivled up for whatever reason. I never even touched that one.