Why is my Remora Foaming so bad?


New Member
I have a new hang on Remora with a 1200 pump. From the minute I put it in it has foamed like a mad dog. It will fill the cup in 15 minutes. I have adjusted the cup up as far as I can get it. I know the instructions say that water conditioners will cause it but I am not using any. I use ro water with Oceanic salt and Kent buffer. Will this go away? There's no way I can empty the cup every 15 minutes.


Active Member
Sounds like there is something in your tank that is causing it to foam up.
It should go away in a few hours.


If this keeps occuring, I would get a new skimmer. I know $$$$ can be an issue, so if you don't have the bucks...here's what you can do. Drill a small hole into your waste cup, go to H.D. or any hardware store and get a small (brass) threaded elbow fitting. If you don't use brass then it will corrode and clog-up. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the plumbing section of HD and ask for a 90-degree threaded elbow fitting. They come in several different sizes, but you want a small-to-medium size one due to the fact that you don't want to drill a large diameter hole in the skimmer cup (it could crack) Screw (*turn with your hand) the fittling into your waste cup, attatch a small diameter hose (roughly the same size as the outlet of your elbow fitting) you can also get this - HD or your LFS, and finally have it drain into an empty 1/2 gallon milk jug or something similar. This will cut down on your maint. But besides this tip, something is wrong with your system. How do you perform H20 changes? What are your H20 peramiters? What chemicals are you using? You could possibly contact the manufacturer of your skimmer and they could help you troubleshoot. Anyway, those are my two cents. This is about my 10th post tonight; it's spring break baby and I don't have to go to work for two weeks! Just one of the pros of being a teacher! Teachers love summer, spring, and X-mas. It allows us to regain our sanity and heal our nerves. So if you can read this...thank a teacher. And if you can't then you shouldn't be reading this.