Why is my tank not thriving???


Ok-heres the deal. My tank has been set up for about 2 1/2 years now. I started out fish only, and have slowly been converting to reef. My problem is things that I have added over the past year die shortly after introducing to tank. I have tried pulsing xenias twice, they just melt away. My zoos are ok but have never spread at all. My mushrooms are ok. I had an elegance coral die. Ive had a colt coral shrink away, and a leather too. I do have some coraline algae growing. I started using ro water about a month ago. The fish do great, but my other things I dont know what to do. Heres what my set up is:
55 gallon
millinium 2000 filter
skilter 400 filter/skimmer
rio 1800 powerhead
265 watt pc's
approx 50-60-lbs live rock
I add 2 caps of reef plus calcium twice week, and 2 caps reef plus amino vitamen supplement twice week. I feed flake food and brine shrimp. Any help would be so appreciated. Thanks!


what are all the reading on the tank
are you using coral accel or any other additives?


You stated you just started using RO water about a month ago?
Is the RO water DI also?
Are the Phosphates ok?
What brand of salt are you using?
What is the temp of you tank?


Active Member
i would say add a couple more power heads. in my 55, i have 4. two in the back near the bottom, and two in front, with hydro flows near the top, so the water breaks the surface. along with my skimmer, canister filter, hob filter, and hob fuge.
Also, when was the last time you changed your bulbs????


The phosphates i dont know-ill get a kit tomorrow, I have been using coralife salt. I have been keeping the salinity aroun .20, the 265 watt pcs are only a few months old, so you all think more powerheads?Temp is about 79 The water I have been using is bottled water I have delivered from Culligan. Should I go w/ more as strong as the rio 1800? Could the powerheads be why everything isnt thriving? Should I be putting in any other additives? Along w/ the millenium 2000 and the skilter 400, I occasionally use a diatom filter also. I am wanting to start purchasing more things for my tank, but I just dont know why the things I put in now are not thriving or die. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by jen73
I have been keeping the salinity aroun .20,
What does this mean?
The salinity should be around 35ppm at 78 degrees or a specific gravity reading of 1.025 for a reef tank.
If you are saying your specific gravity is 1.020 then that could be your problem.
Just a thought.


Active Member
yeah exactly i didnt catch that but if ur salitnity is at a 1.020 on a refractometer then its way too low....
i would slowly raise it to 1.024-1.025...
do some water changes with some stronger saltwater so to speak


ok-thanks i will raise the salinity. So, other than that, do you think the equiptment is sufficient??


Active Member
As stated the salinity reading is way too low.In addition if you are using a hydrometer to measure this..it could possibly be even lower.Hydrometers on average run 5-6 points off.Purchase a refractometer..to test SG. You should also know what your alkalinity reading is.
If you are going to raise the specific gravity,do so very slowly..using SW at the desired level over the next week or so to top off instead of fresh.