WHY is my tank so hot!!


where is the tank set up? what kind of lighting do you have? where do you live? what is the temperature like in your house?

david t.

could be from the lights, or mabe your powerhead could be heating up the water. A powerhead uses the water to cool it off. If its only in 12 gal. the powerhead might be to big for the application.


Active Member
If you have a cover you can take off, take it off. If possible just put a house fan blowing on the tank. How warm is your room and what kind of lighting setup do you have?


Active Member
a powerhead will increase the heat. Just lower the temp in your house a degree or two, then take the cover off of the tank.


Active Member
How long do you leave the light on?
What is the temperature in the morning, before the lights come on?
What is the temperature in your house set at?
Is the tank getting direct sunlight?
Taking the top off may not be a solution since the light for the tank is in the top, and I assume you need that??? If there is any way to direct a clip on fan over even part of the surface of the water...perhaps taking off the cover over the filter pad and aiming it there, for example...this will help in cooling.


Active Member
IMO, 83 is not too bad, as long as that is the top end
however lighing and motors will affect it, as well as natural occurances within the eco system. If you have a heater, try runnign it without it
also, teh fan may help some
lastly, does it recieve any sunlight at all?? or any other type of light whcih may increase the temp? If it is in sunlight, I would move it for this reason as well as other maintenance reasons