Why is ocean water salty?


Active Member
I agree with mad catt.
The mineral content of the eroding rocks is washed into the ocean via rivers and streams.

kris walker

Active Member
Baron, if that is true, then why do salt lakes exist throughout the world (e.g. Mono Lake, Great Salt Lake). These are lakes where all the streams carrying mostly fresh water drain into. The reason they are salty is because the rivers carry a tiny bit of salts, groundwater brings up salts, but most importantly, the evaporation rate where the lake is higher than the freshwater input rate, so the lake stays salty.
I agree, there are lots of salts coming from water circulation through the oceanic crust (black smokers being an example of this circulation). And maybe you are right, and that the oceans are different than the lakes. It is a rate question I guess.


Active Member
Here is a link that pretty much states that all of the above comments are correct with the exception of the salt shaker.
Its kind of a long read but some very interesting information.
<a href="http://www.palomar.edu/oceanography/salty_ocean.htm" target="_blank">Sea water info</a>