why not a 7 pack!


Active Member
and not reef related.. but i looked outside and seen the sky was purple and pink,, thought it was cool so i snaped a pic


Skirrby thats pom-pom xenia in that pic right? How is that mandrain doing that is the one I want to get, next year.
Looks great!!!


Active Member
yup pom pom started as 3 1/2-1 inch frags from waterfaller1 and now theres like 10 of them. and the mandrian seems to be doing good, hes packed on a little weight since i got him.. havent even had him a month yet



Originally posted by skirrby
i still really love my sea fan.

So do I! Could you post more details on it? I've been trying to figure out what kind it is.


Active Member
im not really sure of exactly what kind it is.. its photosyntic(sp) at least, so feeding its not a pain.
and bump for anyone who may have missed this last night


Active Member
yup thats what it looks like.. im just useing water changes, skimmer, less light time and less feeding to controll it.. it working but slowly