Why only one tang.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by convbmw
in a tank ??? Anyone care to share ?? I didnt think that they were aggressive.
That really isn't a rule. Mixing tangs varies a great deal with the individual species and the tank size as well as the feeding schedule and other factors.
Tangs can be nice, but can also be terrors. Not just chasing other fish, but slicing them up with their scalpel. Sohal tangs are especially incredible at this.


Active Member
*Healthy Tangs get big
*Healthy Tangs need a lot of grazing area
*Tangs need a lot of swimming room
*Tangs tend to be territorial towards similar shaped Tangs. That's what the scalpel is for.
Multiple Tangs can be kept in the same tank, but it needs to be a proper tank.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*Healthy Tangs get big
*Healthy Tangs need a lot of grazing area
*Tangs need a lot of swimming room
*Tangs tend to be territorial towards similar shaped Tangs. That's what the scalpel is for.
Multiple Tangs can be kept in the same tank, but it needs to be a proper tank.
I have a baby Yellow and I was going to get a purple. I have a 75 gal tank with live rock.
Any suggestions ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by convbmw
I have a baby Yellow and I was going to get a purple. I have a 75 gal tank with live rock.
Any suggestions ?
Purples are usually nightmare fish...Attack everything...And so will the yellow for that matter being the same body size/structure...I would avoid doing that esp. in a 75..


Active Member
Originally Posted by convbmw
I have a baby Yellow and I was going to get a purple. I have a 75 gal tank with live rock.
Any suggestions ?
Yellow and purple tangs are both from the same genus - Zebrosoma. That often makes for trouble, especially in that small of a tank. There is always a small chance it might work for a while, but it's really not a good plan.


Active Member
As Jouney said, you can mix tangs in a tank, but you need the following:
- Large tank with plenty of space for the fish to duck away and graze.
- Mix multiple of the same type (i.e. 2 hippo tangs, 2+ yellow tangs, etc.)
- Mix different genus and unsimilar body type.
Tangs can be nasty fish because of their blades on their anal area. Fish they do not get along with tend to receive nasty slashes and worse death.
IMO - with your 75, you can keep your yellow tang, but would never add another tang as it will eventually cause space issues. If you had a 180+, the mixing a few tangs would be ok.