why put caulerpa in your sump

There are a lot of... well... "options" with regards to macroalgae application. Primary benefits are wate reduction (Nitrates and Proshpates), a predation-free breeding ground for copepods/amphipods, a constant source of food for your herbivores/omnivores, etc. Rather that get into more detail, I suggest you look ot posts with the words "Refugium, ecosystem, coulerpa, etc." in the title. Good luck and be careful or you'll wind up a skimmerless plant-head like me.


New Member
I have an Ecosystem filter and I have two types of caulerpa in it, bubble and some type of leaf, and it helped my tank cycle in about 3 weeks. I also have live rock and live sand and of course that helped also. Like the previous post said it helps break down the waste products and also it uses the same nutrients as the alge that will grow in the main tank, thereby reducing the alge growing in your tank. Hope that helps.
[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by: TDP ]