Why should I?


I saw a post from way back that described a tank setup and the discussion spawned to the importance of a solid foundation for your rock. The group went into the different details of things like gluing the rock to PVC blocks for a base...
It all made sense... But I knew I had no intention of putting sand diggers in my tank to the PVC option just came and went in my mind.
But, when it came time to do the actual setup, I figured, “Why not?” It would make it more stable and it will only take a couple dollars and an extra hour to get everything done...
Still, I had no intention of adding any diggers, but why not....
Then, one day, I added a rather large Carpet Anemone (maybe 10” across). Things were cool and it settled in on a rock.
Then it started moving down to the sand... Cool... It dug in... And dug in and in and under.
Long story short, it moved a significant amount of sand out from under one of my key stones. I didn't realize how much until it went on the move again. After the move, I ended up with a GAPING hole and there, low and behold... It dug down to the short PVC braces that I bothered to take the time to place.
As you will see by the pictures that follow, it could have been a disaster if I hadn't taken the advice and time to do it right.
Take notice to your new setup! Planning and details are important. Don't take the shortcut! It could cost you more money in the end.


The impact, had it colapsed? Total could have been in excess of 100lbs of LR shifting or falling. Cracked glass? Crushed corals? Who knows?


thats pretty cool, i agree, never skimp, you'll pay alter, luckly for you, it would have been a shame if it would have fallen, thats a pretty nice tank!


Active Member
Would you recomend putting that bracing in even if you place the rock before the sand? I was thinking of going the plastic canvas route. (Increases friction so that the rock doesn't slide on the glass bottom, but doesn't add any height.)


Thanks, on the tank compliment... :) It's been a lot of work and money but I think it pays for itself in pleasure.
And yes, I probably would go with the PVC bracing, even when placing the rock before the sand... Though I like your idea as it would provide a solid base... IMHO and it IS "H" and just an "O" cause I don't have a scientific clue. :notsure:
I think that there are critters, as mine is an example with the Carpet, that prefer to dig under the rocks. If you're on a solid base such as the canvas, they might not get under "enough" if you know what I mean... Giving a 1-2" or even just 1/2" gap of nothing but sand would provide the space for them to get underneath the rock. So, yes, if it were me, I would add the PVC base if only for the spacer.