Why shouldn't you mix CC & LS?


New Member
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am still very new with SW fish.
I saw in a post that you shouldn't mix Crushed Coral and Live Sand. Why not? I currently have CC and have been thinking about introducing LS or LR to the tank. It's done in the ocean right?


Active Member
actually the reason we do not reccommend it is b/c
they will eventually seperate and the cc will require much MUCH more to give you the same benifits as a 4 to 6 inch dsb
also, the larger particle size of the crushed coral will eventualy work themselves to the top.in my opinian this makes the substrate look terrible. i made this mistake on my first tank and ill never do it again. just my opinian though:)


but you are right, it is like that in the ocean. I tried one 29 gal with cc and ls, and although the cc works it way to the top it also looks like an ocean bed which is what I wanted (keep in mind I wanted that image) and I have plenty of pods and worms and things in my substrate working in the cc and ls. IMO it is a preference thing. Some say that ls works better from control of nitrites, and that cc needs to be vaccumed, I have not found this to be true and other threads on other sites show the same findings as mine.