why so many bubles


i put a power head in my 55g that does 170 gph. the thing is shooting out a toon of bubles. is this normla or do i need to do something to change it...if i block off the areation hose they stop but cant tell how much water is flowing out. anyone have any idea


the aireration hose is put there for a purpose to create bubbles so that the water is oxgeneated and the fish can breathe. I s it the sound that you dont like or what? But yes it is supposed to do that you can make them stop and the same amount of water will still come out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
the aireration hose is put there for a purpose to create bubbles so that the water is oxgeneated and the fish can breathe. I s it the sound that you dont like or what? But yes it is supposed to do that you can make them stop and the same amount of water will still come out.

NO, those bubbles are NOT good for your tank or fish, shut them off. They usually come with a little nob thing to block the aireration hole, use it. Have a couple of your powerheads point towards the top of the water to agitate the water surface for air exchange and if you have greasey film on top, that helps too. :happyfish


sorry about the wrong info i dont have bubbles in my tank i was going to say stop them but figured whats wrong with bubbles? This is a question That i my self would like to know. Thanks Madman133