from article, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Kalkreaktor - The Truth -
Julian has attacked the use of a kalkreaktor in his June FAMA Reef Notes column. I think he has blamed the kalkreaktor wrong, it should be the possible malpractice of the kalkreaktor setup by the general hobbyists that he should blame. The following is what I wanted to say as a reply to his article.
1. "Kalkreaktor directly increases or indirectly causes an increase of the PO4 of a marine system..."
Kalkreaktor does not do that, its the low-quality or less pure aragonite substrate which was being used does. We have stressed the importance of using only highly-pure (99.5% or higher) calcium carbonate since day one. Using less pure aragonite substrate which was originally mined from different locations in the USA will contribute to an increase in PO4 and other pollutants levels. We knew about this and that was why we insist on carrying the expensive but highly pure German calcium carbonate media. On the contrary, highly pure calcium carbonate has the unique advantage of precipitating PO4 to formed calcium phosphate - thus removing PO4 instead of raising it. I don't know how effective is this within the kalkreaktor which has such a low pH, but it is true if you just lay down the pure calcium carbonate on the gravel bed to attain this phosphate-removing result.
2. "The use of Kalkreaktor can promote an outgrow of undesirable filamentous algae..."
It is only because that the user has tried to cut corners or save money and neglect the importance of using a pH Controller with the kalkreaktor. A pH Controller is not a nice accessories to be used with a kalkreaktor. It is a MUST equipment. Even following the manufacturer's recommended CO2 bubbling rate precisely does not mean there is no excessive CO2 being introduced to the system. Every system's setup, bioload, water quality vary and only a sensitive pH Controller can monitor your tank closely and switches off the CO2 supply to the kalkreaktor when it senses a drop in pH (ie: excessive CO2). pH Controllers are very expensive in Germany and that is why most German kalkreaktor manufacturers claim that their kalkreaktors do not need a pH Controller to work with, but this price concern is not quite the case in the US and we should not omit this vital piece of equipment in a kalkreaktor setup.
3. "Excessive CO2 is bad..."
Anything especially Kalkwasser can be bad if not being used and handled properly. CO2 is indeed a fertilizer for plants - but it is also a nourishment / fertilizer for the zooxanthellae algae within the corals. Minute levels of CO2 has been reported to be beneficial, not necessarily detrimental, to a reef system full with corals.
4. "Kalkwasser dosing is still the best..."
How good can it be if it is so troublesome and time-consuming?? When a specific chore takes up so much of a hobbyist's time and attention, he will tend to either neglect it, or not do it regularly and correctly. The aquarium will suffer as a result. A fully automated kalkreaktor setup, on the other hand, eases the chore of calcium and other beneficial trace elements dosing completely and make fish-keeping much more pleasant and easy. Thus a better aquarium can be expected. In addition, Kalkwasser suppresses the alkalinity level. While the Kalkreaktor keeps it high and steady.
5. "The use of Kalkreaktor suppresses pH..."
The immediate effluent of a kalkreaktor does have a relatively low pH, but its final effect will raise the pH and the alkalinity levels. For the same reason, it should not be blamed for dissolving phosphate precipitated on the gravel.
6. "Kalkreaktor is responsible for a decrease in PO4 export..."
This brings out another malpractice in the use of a kalkreaktor. Its calcium carbonate media should be changed every 3 - 4 months. This procedure ensures that the necessary trace elements within the media is always sufficient and that the calcium phosphate can be exported out of the system.
We at Monolith Marine Monsters wholeheartedly believe that a kalkreaktor is the best artificial way to replenish and maintain healthy calcium, alkalinity and trace elements levels in a closed system. Definitely not Kalkwasser dosing.
just an opinon of course. just thought i'd add. i was reading the page a second ago.
btw, richard, i just checked out your tank pics. very nice tanks. i like the 3 sided 120. very nice.