Why we need tort reform


Active Member
This 'lady' downloads some walking path onto her Blackberry, then blindly goes walking down the road not realizing there is no sidewalk. She gets hit by a car, and now is suing Google because their map directions didn't tell her the road wasn't safe for pedestrian traffic. HELLO? Can you say major thoroughfare? Just because Google told you to go that way, can you not see the oncoming traffic?


Active Member
Wasn't there a story last year about some couple trying to sue Garmin because it apparantley got them lost for hours in some dessert? I love my Garmin but I still map and print out my vacation trips online. Folks, it's technology and it isn't perfect.
Now the woman in the article you just posted seems to be a true idiot.


Active Member
I was just talking about this with by big lib friend here and said we need loser pays. His response was 'Oh no, this doesn't cost the company anything". Yeah, right.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Bionic, you are becoming dangerously close to sounding like a conservative lately. Who are and what have you done with Bionic? You are making it hard for me to argue with him lately.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Bionic, you are becoming dangerously close to sounding like a conservative lately. Who are and what have you done with Bionic? You are making it hard for me to argue with him lately.
Shhhhhhhhhhhsh!!! Don't say anything.

bang guy

In the UK there was some guy in a beamer trying to sue Garmin because after he took the right shown on the display, drove 100 yards down a cow path, ran through a barbed wire fence, and 20 yards through a freshly plowed field, his car encountered a cliff and almost went over.
You'd kinda think that the cow path would have been enough warning...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
In the UK there was some guy in a beamer trying to sue Garmin because after he took the right shown on the display, drove 100 yards down a cow path, ran through a barbed wire fence, and 20 yards through a freshly plowed field, his car encountered a cliff and almost went over.
You'd kinda think that the cow path would have been enough warning...
Apparently Garmin could not fix the "man syndrome" or "blonde syndrome" of asking for directions!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Apparently Garmin could not fix the "man syndrome" or "blonde syndrome" of asking for directions!
Maybe they need to come with headphones and a recording for blondes, "breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out,breath in, breath out,"


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Maybe they need to come with headphones and a recording for blondes, "breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out,breath in, breath out,"
Hey, how'd this get to be about blondes?!!
It was a DUDE! Bad dude drivers!
Tiz (awesome driver) zo


Active Member
My wife worked about 18 years for a defense firm, you wouldn't believe the stories I've heard. If you've even noticed the warning about a choking hazard on a package of Marshmallows there were a million reasons for that, each with a picture of George Washington on them. Who knew you shouldn't give a 3 year old a bag of the big Marshmallows for breakfast then go back to bed.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Why do you automatically assume females when someone mentions blonds?
It was "man syndrome" or "blonde syndrome"... wasn't automatic.
Originally Posted by reefraff

I think it's the blonde dye. It soaks through to the brain and......
yeah, instead of that way more obvious answer, lol