Why ween a lionfish???


Active Member
Why is such a big deal to ween a lionfish. I mean rather it's dead or not a fish is a fish.Seriousl,do really need to or can one stay eating live feeders?


Well, live feeders have no nutricional (sp) value at all. Also, feeder gold fish are bony and could cause a problem and make the lion choke. Then the feeders are live and are freshwater so, they could be carring fw parasites which could kill a lion. Then theres the possiblity that the feeder is sick. It'd be like eating a steak from a cow with mad cow disease. So, it's by far better to feed frozen food. If you're having trouble weening try mysis shrimp. My lion wasn't eating frozen, but as soon as I dropped some mysis in there, the went after it like a possesed monster.


Most importantly NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Do you think that if all you ate was one food for the rest of your life that you would be getting all the nutritional value you need? Of course not. It's just not good for you. THE END.


what type of live food do lions eat in the wild. I've read fish and shrimp. But wouldnt it be OK to feed it what it eats in the Ocean? Or do you have to wean to frozen?
I can understand not to feed it freshwater feeders, but what about getting live saltwater feeders.
And how often should you feed them?
Im just wondering Im getting a Volitan this weekend.


Sure, saltwater feeders a good, but live saltwater feeders get very very expensive after a while. Also, theres the possiblity that the feeders could be sick and could infect the lion. Frozen foods are still the best way to go. And saltwater feeders are the next best choice, I won't suggest it for the health of the lion. Sure occasional treats are ok, just as long as they are not the staple of their diet.