Why Why Why + 4 +1

mr. limpid

Active Member
Why do people post threads and then are never heard from again?
Why do people post the same question in different threads?
Why do people post threads and then do not heed the responses?
Yes you guys can add more "Why's" I can edit the title.


Active Member
Why do people question EVERYTHING that you say to them?
Why do people ask me for information that I already told them 2 messages ago?
whys do e s poepple talk n spppeelll like d is?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389561/why-why-why-4-more#post_3443807
Why do people question EVERYTHING that you say to them?
Because they don't know the answer so you can't either.
Why do people ask me for information that I already told them 2 messages ago?
Because they are hard of typing
whys do e s poepple talk n spppeelll like d is?
Because they don't know about the spell check button and if I didn't use it I would type the same way. Funny spell check only caught "poepple" and "spppeelll"

darthtang aw

Active Member

Why do people IGNORE my comments and posts?
why do people complain about not getting enough attention?
darth (children should be seen and not heard) Tang


Well-Known Member
Lol. You guys are funny.
Limpid, you just have to overlook it. You may not help the OP, but someone else is going to search the same question later and come across your comment at one point or another.
I generally think that people only hear what they want to hear. Not all but most.


Active Member
Forum Definition
fo·rum[ fáwr?m ]fo·rums Plural
1. place to express yourself: a medium in which the public may debate an issue or express opinions, e.g. a magazine or newspaper
2. meeting for discussion: a meeting to discuss matters of general interest
3. Internet discussion group: an Internet discussion group for participants with common interests
4. law court: a law court or tribunal
5. public square in Roman cities: in ancient Rome, a public square or marketplace in a city where business was conducted and the law courts were situated
[ 15th century. < Latin, "enclosed space around a house, marketplace" < foris out of doors ]
Op-ed Definition
op-ed[ op éd ]op-eds Plural
1. page opposite editorial page: a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal opinions ( often used before a noun )
2. article in op-ed section: an article expressing a personal viewpoint written for the op-ed section of a newspaper
[ Shortening of opposite editorial (page) ]

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeoJ http:///t/389561/why-why-why-4-1#post_3443915
Forum Definition
fo·rum[ fáwr?m ]fo·rums Plural
1. place to express yourself: a medium in which the public may debate an issue or express opinions, e.g. a magazine or newspaper
2. meeting for discussion: a meeting to discuss matters of general interest
3. Internet discussion group: an Internet discussion group for participants with common interests
4. law court: a law court or tribunal
5. public square in Roman cities: in ancient Rome, a public square or marketplace in a city where business was conducted and the law courts were situated
[ 15th century. < Latin, "enclosed space around a house, marketplace" < foris out of doors ]
Op-ed Definition
op-ed[ op éd ]op-eds Plural
1. page opposite editorial page: a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal opinions ( often used before a noun )
2. article in op-ed section: an article expressing a personal viewpoint written for the op-ed section of a newspaper
[ Shortening of opposite editorial (page) ]
very good GeoJ go to the head of the class