Why Wilma?????


I finally got my power turned back on late last night after 4 days of no electricity. Hurricane Wilma did much more damage than expected. We have chimmney damage and the south end of my school caved in. Thankfully, we had a cold front so it was not extremely hot without A/C. Along with the air being at 69 degrees, my tank also dropped to 69 degrees. It was like watching everything you love go down the drain.
I had no generator so I could not supply my filter, heater, etc. I lost a skunk cleaner shrimp and my condi annenome. Amazingly, my LT annenome, one skunk cleaner shrimp, and BOTH chromises survived!
This was the second hurricane these chromises lived through! I think I lost my star polyps because they have not opened yet.
Now that my power is on, the tank is back up to 79 degrees and everything running. Thankfully when Wilma hit, I did not have much livestock in my tank (2 chromises, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, LT annenome, condi, star polyp). I am the first of my friends that has power. I am feeling for all the other SW enthusiasts who still dont have power. I know there is someone on here who lost his whole reef due to katrina and I hope no one has to go through that with Wilma. Just keeping you up to date on me and dont forget the other hurricane victims because I am feeling for all who dont have power yet.
Anyone else out there who was a victim of Wilma??


Active Member
I really feel bad for you. I can't imagine the frustration you feel at this moment.
I have been thinking about the power outage issue, here in colorado we loose power a few times a winter. Its not bad usually only a few hours. and we can use the fire place. but I was thinking of how bad it could kill my tank if it was out for any length of time. I guess I need to just consider it a part I will need to get.
Good luck with rebuilding everything.


Active Member
Sorry for your troubles...but you should have a back-up plan.There are pumps that plug in...when the power goes out they sense it and kick on a couple batteries.You just put an airstone on a piece of airline tubing...this will keep your fish and tank alive.Wrap the tank with a blanket to keep it's temp.
I have a power inverter and deep cycle batteries.


I just bought one of these batter operated pumps for my 40gal in case of power outage, great investment, only $59, worth it.