Why Wont My Anemone Find A Spot It Likes!!!!

reef diver

Active Member
I am really just starting to get aggravated, my crazy anemone just cant seem to find a spot that it wants to call home, for thepast 3 months it has wobbled all over my rock. For a week its stays in a spot, and because i turn current off at night, it falls off,i believe. Then it moves somewhere ele, and cant find a spot any tips. Im wary oif my powerhead, my last anemone was turned into a smoothie.

reef diver

Active Member
Trust me my lighting i adequte, i researched that before i bought the anemnone. However, i durned my current off at night because my first anemone wastr turned into a smoothie, and i donmt want theat to happen to an anemone, ive had longer than the average hobbyist THE POWER OF RESEARCH!, but it appears that as the proble. Last night i placed it in a spot very high up in the tank, and i left the curtrent off. So last night i left the current on, and theanemone appears to have anchored itself, judging by the fact that it was still well atached thismorning.


Active Member
what type of anemone is it and also i think knowning the lights would help us determine where he "should" be staying. also your water flow... is the whole tank high flow because depending on the type of anemone a lot like moderate alternating currents and not many like high curents.

reef diver

Active Member
he s staying now, the day i posted this post, he hiked to the top of my reef, well close, wedged his foot into a crevice, and hunkered down, ill post some pics tonight, I have 260
atts PC 55 gal, and bubbletip, Iam going off of my LFS's advice, as the owner has kept anemones for 20 years under the exact conditions I have.