why wont my shrimp come out???

brad pitt

i have 3 shrimp 2 camel humps and one cleaner shrimp. they never move and they are at the back of my tank always. whats wrong?


try takin some food and hand feedin them and while you do it slowly move your hand towars the front of the tank, i did that a few times and noow every time i walk passsed the tank he begs lol and do you have any fish that pick at him?

brad pitt

ive been trying that! thats what my lfs said. but they just hide
no fish pick at them. all i have is a mated pair of clowns,a green cromis,and a lawnmower blenny.


how long have they been in the tank?
I've also found that my camel backs were more active at night. I don't have a cleaner, so I can't give any input on that. I would suggest to turn most of the lights off in the room your tank is in, and sit back away from your tank, or getting a red lensed flashlight, and just sit back and watch.
If your shrimp havn't been in the tank long, they will hide especially when you come near the tank, so you probably won't see them much for a while.

payton 350

my peppermint used to hide and i wouldn't see him for months but my cleaners are not shy at all and are all over the place....they even have their own "shop" and clean inside one of my chromis mouths everyday.


my cleaner was teh same it hide and hide and now its dead, i found the molting one day the next day it was gone and the fish were picking at its remains... not sure i only have clowns as well??

brad pitt

Originally Posted by Prk543
how long have they been in the tank?
I've also found that my camel backs were more active at night. I don't have a cleaner, so I can't give any input on that. I would suggest to turn most of the lights off in the room your tank is in, and sit back away from your tank, or getting a red lensed flashlight, and just sit back and watch.
If your shrimp havn't been in the tank long, they will hide especially when you come near the tank, so you probably won't see them much for a while.
ive only had them for about a week and a half. there new

brad pitt

Originally Posted by Veeraj87
my cleaner was teh same it hide and hide and now its dead, i found the molting one day the next day it was gone and the fish were picking at its remains... not sure i only have clowns as well??

oh my god. i am scared now!

brad pitt

Originally Posted by Payton 350
my peppermint used to hide and i wouldn't see him for months but my cleaners are not shy at all and are all over the place....they even have their own "shop" and clean inside one of my chromis mouths everyday.
thats so cool i wish mine did that!


Active Member
Dont worry 'bout a thing! My cleaner shrimp didnt want to come out for a month and a half. He kept hiding in the back of my tank. Now hes all over the place and i cant get him to sit still.

payton 350

Yeah i always heard stories about how they would clean inside other fishes mouth and didn't think i would ever have it ......i still sit in awe when it happens


my peppermint shrimp were the same way the hide out till night time then they are all over the place, now about a month later they climb right in my hand as soon as it hits the water, ok maybe not that fast but its not long after L.O.L i even have 2 figure eight puffers in there


New Member
i bought a coral banded shrimp today , and i did my acclimation and then put him in and watched. he hid behind the liverock for a while then he came walked the tank then started foraging food wherever he could. his antenna's are long and they looked even better when i put my hydor korolia nano power head in.maybe u should get one or a mated pair if ur looking for a "non-shy" that looks pretty nice. and he plays nice with his other tank mates. 2 blue green chromis, 2 false perculas, 3 turbo snail and 2 hermit crabs.

brad pitt

Originally Posted by blue44magnum
i bought a coral banded shrimp today , and i did my acclimation and then put him in and watched. he hid behind the liverock for a while then he came walked the tank then started foraging food wherever he could. his antenna's are long and they looked even better when i put my hydor korolia nano power head in.maybe u should get one or a mated pair if ur looking for a "non-shy" that looks pretty nice. and he plays nice with his other tank mates. 2 blue green chromis, 2 false perculas, 3 turbo snail and 2 hermit crabs.
i have one green chromis, mated pair perculas, 3 small snails, and 5 hermits.
and i did buy a mated pair of camel backs there always hanging out in the back