Why won't my star polyps open?


Active Member
Oh my god! Why won't these guys open for me, I had a couple sets of them before and they would totally fill thier base. Not these guys. Here is a photo, this is the most that ever comes out.
Any ideas??? Thanks in advance! Lisa


When I had star poyps in my 29g they did this too....it took a week for them to come back out...dont worry they will come out again...
do a water change...that worked sometimes


Active Member
I did a water change last week, it drives me nuts, we have had them before and they have never acted like this. Hopefully they will get happy soon. Thanks, Lisa


GSP takes awhile to open. When I first got mine I had to wait for about a week for it to open. After that? Man, that's the fastest going coral IMO. Crazy stuff! So just give it time, it'll be ok.


I`ve had mine about 3 weeks now and they have opened fully since day one. I had them near the lights the first few days, now down on bottom and doing well.


Active Member
I placed mine where there is quite a bit of current but they've spread to some lower areas. When I do water changes I blow on them lightly with a turkey baster (Best piece of equipment you can own!) and blow off any debris that collected on them. They seem to appreciate it. I also do this to my cabbage leather. It likes fairly calm water but stuff collects on it so a give it a squirt now and then.
Anyway, I'm sure yours will open and be happy little campers.