Why would macroalgae turn clear and gelatinize?


Well-Known Member
Hello all...
Even though I am breaking down my tank, I was wondering if anyone could tell me why you would think that the macroalgae that I had in my refugium would all the sudden turn clear and gelatinize - just disintegrate - The only thing I did was change the bulbs out over the top of the fuge, but the bulbs were similar to the one that I had...
Not enough iron? Not enough nutrients? I'm at a loss.

mr. limpid

Active Member
The bulb was the same watts, same spectrum, same manufacture? How long was the old bulb in use? I switched manufacture and my macro didn't grow changed back to sylvania and in two weeks it has doubled in size.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I think I accidently bought a red heat lamp. I was trying something different. oops.
never mind. I looked at it again and it says something to that extent on the box.
Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
She is learning things pretty dang quick. She's developing normally, some things that she is doing is a couple months more advanced than her age, but still no true words just yet.
It's amazing how quickly they grow up, isn't it? I enjoy being a father - I get to corrupt a little mini-me. Muhahahaha