After I woke up this morning, my husband comes into the bathroom and says, "What's this thing hanging from your powerhead?" I go look and it's my feather duster. Completely out of its tube and so I gently pulled it out of the ph and tried to nudge him back into its tube....had to get to work, so I'm not sure if it's alive/dead, ok/not ok???
I just tested the water the day before and everything is good and right where it should be.
So...what would make a feather duster come out of its tube?? It's crown is full and intact and there's plenty of flow for it to filter feed so what's happening?
Thanks in advance!
I just tested the water the day before and everything is good and right where it should be.
So...what would make a feather duster come out of its tube?? It's crown is full and intact and there's plenty of flow for it to filter feed so what's happening?
Thanks in advance!