Why you should never use tap water


I just read through the lengthy thread regarding distilled water. This forum is great, and it is always great to share opinions. But it it got a little scary.
With that said, I think we have to always gently steer newbies in a more cautious direction, as the cost and frustration from mistakes can be great.
The argument against tap water is simple. There is no standard, it is often different from town to town. Underground pipes can be very old, resevoirs are often exposed to open air contaiminents.
Tap water is fine for a human bath or shower. But many people filter tap water just to make it taste better. Many avoid drinking it altogether.
So listen you newbies! I am a newbie! I'll admit it. But ask yourself, after you buy the tank, the equipment, etc. After you spend all that loot, do you really want to try and establish a successful SW tank with water that comes out of your tap?
Give yourself and your fish every reasonable advantage. Use distilled or R/O water.


Hallalua...thanks for finally posting this for everyone out there who is trying to use TAP water..."koolkev" cough cough...lol...use RO/DI water...its the best and its the best for your tank!


Hey was not going to use tap i was going to use rain water now i know that even in west fargo ND there is a little acid rain sorry shrimps for being humen
I have to agree... For the money spent on everything else in this hobby, it just doesn't make sense to skimp when you get to the part with the water!
Think about it, by weight, by volume and by importance, the water is the biggest part of the system. By cost, if you have to buy it gallon by gallon, it falls in the middle of the range. One slightly rare fish easily costs more than the water you'll put in the tank. Why risk it's life?


I used tap water to fill my tanks. Then I conditioned it, and added salt. Definitely a quick, cheap way to go. My water out here is pretty good, but that being said, I got VERY lucky and agree with the above posts. If I were to do it over again, I'd just fill it with ro/di water. Both of my tanks are thriving, and I do use ro/di to top off and change water, etc. But like I said, I think I got lucky. You never know what's in your tap water - even if you do use hard metal/chlorine conditioners. The risk is just too high for how much it would cost.


Well-Known Member
stomp stomp stomp
^ my footsteps^ :D
Tapwater is the only water you can get that has federal standards.
Tapwater contains, plant food and trace elements. Both extremely beneficial in the establiahment of new system and restoring outta whack systems. the remaining elements are easily filtered out by plant life or the removed in hours by mixing it with salt.
I have never lost a fish in 6 different cites since the late 70's by straight tap water. including a simple salt fo tank that ran continuously for 6 years with tap and no water changes.
By not using tap water you will have to dose various things primairly calcium carbonate that have been removed from tap.
Your system your choice. There is absolutely no danger in tap water. If you desire the expense and work of using other sources then that is your choice. If you do and have ph drops, low calcium, lost fish and corals, and algae blooms anyway, then you have been warned.
Your system your choice.


Active Member
There is no good reason to use tap water. There are a verity of dangerous chemical that can be and usually are present in tap water. Unless you want a lagoon tank do your self a favor and get good water.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I know because i didn't. And lost several fish until I added macros in the system.

Originally posted by beaslbob

I have never lost a fish in 6 different cites since the late 70's by straight tap water. including a simple salt fo tank that ran continuously for 6 years with tap and no water changes.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ReefNut

Originally posted by beaslbob
I know because i didn't. And lost several fish until I added macros in the system.


Originally posted by beaslbob
I have never lost a fish in 6 different cites since the late 70's by straight tap water. including a simple salt fo tank that ran continuously for 6 years with tap and no water changes.

Yes the half time show was interesting

Reef: as you already know and others that read the above know.
1) I have lost fish
2) never lost a fish by straight tap water.
Entirely consistant. I lost those fish by not having sufficient plant life in the tank. Have not lost a fish in the same tank since adding plant life. The tank had only tap water and no water changes. So the tap water did not cause the fish loss.
but then you knew that anyway.:D


Six cities? There are hundreds of cities and towns throughout the USA! Each with its own water supply and infrastructure! Many are in poor shape! Some communities have to occassionally boil their water to make it safe!
Six cities over three decades does not offer an accurate sampling of the different tap waters across this country!
There is a small town near me that is having water problems! It is going to cost them 7 million to fix their system!
With any luck, the new aquarist will use logic on this issue. Do not use tap water. Be smart.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by clint_reno
There is a small town near me that is having water problems! It is going to cost them 7 million to fix their system!

and the non federally regulated local wall mart ro unit with bad filters would never make the news. Your tank your gamble.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ReefMad
thats all i ever use is tap water we have great water here ph is 8.0 and never have any problems..

Thanks. and your water has a highly technical term for it. its called normal.


Active Member
I've been in this hobby for 6yrs, and have used tap for every drop. Fish, corals and inverts are all ok. IMO - to each his own.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
So the tap water did not cause the fish loss.

You simply do not know what caused the deaths.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
You simply do not know what caused the deaths.

and neither do you

But the new fish after adding the macros lived. Still with tap water and no water changes.
Seems others here use tap also. :thinking: