why ??


if ocean water is at 1.026 why should we keep our tanks around 1.021-1.023 why not right at 1.026
Don't take my words as those of an expert but, I was told my an experienced LFS owner that the ocean's specific gravity is roughly 1.026-1.027 and at that range, harmful parasites can/will grow in more abundance. In a home aquarium, keeping it set at 1.024-1.025 reduces certain parasite's ability to thrive. As I said, I do not know for sure, just what I was told.


Active Member
I've never heard of that one...As far as i know parasites can live until u reach hypo at 1.009


Active Member
Seawater is normally about 35 ppt parts per thousand salt, most everywhere in the world.
The Red Sea is has a little higher salinity, compared to most of the other oceans, but for the most part 35 ppt is it.
Specific Gravity ( or density )of a liquid will change as temperature changes. It's a relationship of the weight of a given volume of a liquid compared to the same volume of fresh water at a given temperature. Pure water being S.G. of 1.000
35 ppt is about 1.024 S.G. at 82.5 F
We keep our tanks below that temperature though.
Depending on who you read, or what charts you are looking at - you'll find values all over the place.