Wierd Clowns?


New Member
My 2 clowns almost never have left the mid top area of my tank. Its been like 2 months and they just dont really swim anywhere else in the tank. They go near the sides sometimes but never go down past the mid point. Maybe my thermometer isnt right and i need to turn up the heat. I only have 1 anenome so far and my domino damsel has chose that as his. Any ideas?


I'm new to the salt water fish tanks but, the experience that I had with damsels and clowns might give you some useful info. When we first started our tank we had two damsels which turned out to be very territorial they actually killed my first clown within hours. So your clowns may be staying away from your damsels territory. We ended up trading our very pretty damsels in before we bought any more clowns. I hope this helps. :thinking:


Active Member
Right now I have a pair of percs in my 75 by themselves and they always stay towards the right side of the tank . Tried putting food on the other side and won`t go for it . In my 55 I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns and basically the same thing , they stay towards the left side. As long as they look healthy and eat don`t worry about it .


New Member
Cool thanks guys. I think your right obout the territory thing. Im planning on giving one of the damsels to my friend for his first fish hopefully this helps alittle. Can't get rid of the domino though, he looks so cool hosting my pink tip anenome.