Wierd Critter


I just saw the wierdest thing in my tank. I was working under my tank and saw a network of tunnels at the bottom of the tank. I took a flashlight to see what it was, and there was a critter crawling through it. It looks like a white worm. It is about 1/4" thick. and about 2 inches long. It also appeared to have legs and pinchers. IT was also sensitive to light.
Anyone have any idea what this could be.
Hi its probly a small bristel worm , some say they are bad some say they are good, I have them in my sand and they are good sand stirrers and are food for some sifters, I have them and can see there trails on the front of the glass I like them ...cya


I haven't had them bother anything either. I removed a bunch today because there was so many and there were getting bigger than I cared for them to be.


As far as I can tell, it is white. It definiately looked like it had legs of some sort. I thought I saw pinchers of some sort too. It is very light sensitive. It looks to be about as thick as a pencil.
I thought bristle worms were very thin.