wierd polyp looking thing in my zoos


in two of my zoos i have this brownish polyp looking thing that seems to irritate the zoos because the ones around it seem to me closed. it has these long tenticle looking things and not sure if i need to get rid of them or let them be... sorry i tried taking picks of it but none of them come out clear. any ideas?


Active Member
yeah that's aiptasia a pest anemone. u need to get that out as soon as possible. they can spread fast. they damage coral.


yes after looking up what aiptasia looks like i'm almost 100% that is it. now since it is in the middle of the zoos how can i get rid of it without hurting the zoos?


Active Member
use joes juice and squirt it right into its mouth. the zoas next to it may get hurt a little, but really no big deal long term.