wierd problem with my naso


Active Member
My naso tang has been doing great for months now. Last night when I fed him he was acting kind of funny. Just slowly swimming around on the bottom behind the rocks. Today wharn I came homw he was stuck to one of my powerheads. I got him off and he was messed up pretty bad. So I had to putt him out of his missery. I looked at him very closely. No signs of Ick or any other parasite on his body. Eyes were clear. Good color. My water levels are in the right ranges. Do you guys have any ideas? All other fish are doing great.


Staff member
No way of really telling. I you have other tangs in the tank, they might have gotten in to it. If he was sucked up in the PH, that is pretty much a sure sign that death is soon to follow.


Active Member
Beth I had a small blue hippo tang in there that had ick but I took it out and that was a while ago maybe 2-3 mts. Is it possible the naso had ick and died from that with no visible signs? That is really the only thing I can think of at this time?


Staff member
An overnite death with no visible signs of ich in a tang that was healthy? Probably not. However, sometimes we don't always pay attention to the details of each of our fish every day, which is really the only way that we can catch problems early. He may have been sick for a few days, or developing something, that just went unnoticed with causal observations.
Needless to say, you should not be adding fish at this point, to see if you actually have a tank problem going on. Keep a close watch on other fish, and give them a good look, every day, with a magnifying glass over the next wk.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. I haven't added anything to the tank for the last 4 mts. And as of right now the tank only has a clown and a scooter blennie. I won't add anything for a few more weeks. Thanks again.