Wierd stuff in tank


I was not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have a 33 gallon long tank that is Fish only with live rock. My tank is just about 2 years old and I noticed that I have some Green sticks and grassy looking algae growing on my live rock and now on my dead barnacle shell. It feels like a toothbrush and nothing seems to be interested in eating it. I have hermits, emeralds, snails and not one even goes near it. I asked my lfs and he said it's some sort of ???optic algae, forgive me I can't remember exactly what he called it but he said nothing will eat it. I have too many nutrients in my tank and since I have no corals, the algae is getting well nourished. He recommended some corals but I am not sure I have the right lighting. I had a red clove coral for about 8 months and it did well but a hitchhiker did him in. I have a 48" 50/50 Reef Sun light. Are there any corals that I can get that do not require intense lights? If so what are they and /or do you think this guy was just trying to sell me some corals? Any thoughts would be great.


You might try posting this same question in the Reef Tank section. Those folks are pretty amazing at understanding things like this. Give them a shot if you don't get any answers here.
Best of luck


New Member
My tank has been set up for a year, and I also have the grass looking algae. I kind of like it, so I let it grow, but if you don't like yours I'd recommend harvesting it and disposing of it.
Shrooms and zoo's don't require intense lighting, and these would both spread on the rocks limiting room for the algae growth as well.


New Member
At first I thought it looked it cool but now I hate it. Google for pics of hair algae. If that's it, check for nitrates and post in reef for hair algae solutions. The only fish that I know to eat it well is the Lawnmower Blenny.
Good Luck