Wierd temp rise, hasn't hurt anything yet but ....


Hey All - something very strange has been happening with the temp in the tank lately. I constantly check my temp before bed and it is usually 79-80 degrees. As soon as I wake the next morning, the first thing I do is check on the temp again. For the past week or so it has been between 84-85.6 degrees. When I get home after work and check it is usually back to the 79-80 degree range.
So far, it has not affected any of the inhabitants of the tank. Is it time to get a new heater? Is this common? How can the temp rise so much with no lights on and the room temp lowering, which is common during the night, to around 68-70 degrees. To tell the truth, most of the corals look much better at this temp than they do during the day at 80. Pretty weird.
Just curious if anyone else has noticed this happening in their tank.
Thanks all.


sounds like it is time for a new heater...night time room temp seems to be affecting the the tank temp causing the heater to over compentsate for some reason...that's kind of a high fluctation to be occuring...eventually may/may not be detrimental