will a CBS kill a peppermint??

who dey

Active Member
it just dawned on me that i bought a pep shrimp a long time ago and now that i think about it i havn't seen him for 4 months??? i got a cbs about 4 months ago i'm guessing they don't get along so well??? am i right??? :notsure:


Active Member
These threads seem to crack me up, CBS are predators. No pun intended, honestly. I've just seen too many threads lately on this subject. Point blank, CBS are predators and will take out other shrimp when available. Believe me, I unfortunately learned the hard way. Hope this once and for all settles this debate.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Hurt
These threads seem to crack me up, when will people learn that CBS are predators. No pun intended, honestly. I've just seen too many threads lately on this subject. Point blank, CBS are predators and will take out other shrimp when available. Believe me, I unfortunately learned the hard way. Hope this once and for all settles this debate.

don't let it crack you up, just be glad you can help


hmmm...I've had my CBS in with 2 cleaner shrimp and a pepermint shrimpe for about 2 months now...they all have their own sections of the tank...the 2 cleaners are on one end...the pepermint hangs out in the middle undersome rocks...and the CBS is on the other end...Sometimes the 2 cleaner shrimp will go sleep in my BTA(which is hear the CBS) at night if I turn the moonlights off, but they usually stay in their areas!


Active Member
I see no humor here at all. I have kept CBS with cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp w/o any problems... that's not to say there will not be problems with mixing them. After a while I got paranoid and banned the CBS to the refuge just so there would be no issues.
CBS have three "motives" when it comes to other shrimp. 1. If food is light they eliminate competition. 2. If they get hungry enough they will become predators and search for food. 3. If room and/or food is not an issue there is no reason to risk harm in fighting/killing other shrimp. All that said, they can and will kill other shrimp if they want to.
As far as not seeing them... I had about 6 peppermint shrimp and three cleaners in my 110g. I hadn't seen the the peppermints sense the day I put them in, even with plenty of night time viewing. They were all very small so I assumed they became a snack for my 6-line I assumed they were dead. A couple weekends ago when I tore down the 110g I found all 6, all of them grew substantially from when I got them. Now I have around 20+- peppermint shrimp in my 55g and rarely see any of them, when I do it is at night while viewing the tank with a red light.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ReefNut
CBS have three "motives" when it comes to other shrimp. 1. If food is light they eliminate competition. 2. If they get hungry enough they will become predators and search for food. 3. If room and/or food is not an issue there is no reason to risk harm in fighting/killing other shrimp. All that said, they can and will kill other shrimp if they want to.
EXACTLY what I was going to say. Critters only kill for food or living space. That being said, a CBS in a 55 gallon tank for instance will do its best to kill any shrimp that crosses its path.
The trick to keeping them in a 55 gallon with other shrimp is to feed the CBS every other day, and provide tons of places for the other shrimp to hide. I have 3 saron shrimp in my tank and the CBS can't catch them because they have plenty of hidey holes.


Active Member
Love CB and yes they can and will be "killers" Had a heck of a time getting 2 to coincide in my 300 gallon in the family room.......They do stay on opposite sides of the tank and don't cross each others path though.........I also like the thrill of weekly cleanings when the hands in the tank and they go into hiding and you know their just lurking and you get a little nip from time to time from them