will a Coral Banded Shrimp go in my tank


My brother has a Coral Banded Shrimp he wants to give me. I just want to know if it will do ok.
I have a 100 gal tank
175 lbs LR
120 lbs LS
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Sally Light Foot
1 Anemone crab
1 Emerald Crab
2 Maroon clown
1 Yellow Tang
1 Pygmy Angel
1 Scooter Blenny
2 Feather dusters
1 small BTA
some xenias
some mushrooms


I can't speak to the rest, but my CBS constantly chases my cleaner. He ate one of the ones that I had, but he didn't acclimate that well. THis one is very active and keeps an eye out for him.


Active Member
i have coral banded and cleaner together for over a year and the only time the cbs even bothers the cleaner is when he gets close to his area and then only chases him away...


Active Member
No way I would do it. Unfortunately I've lost 3 cleaners to a CBS before I realized who the culprit was when I finally caught him in the act :mad:


CBS can be weird...i know people who have kept them with cleaner shrimp for a year or two then one morning they wake up and the CBS is having the cleaner for a snack. i think in a 100g you would stand a better chance of them living together. but just warning, the CBS are very territorial!

kart racer

I had a CBS, a cleaner and a fire shrimp all in my last tank with no problems. I bought a pair of CBS last weekend and put in my new tank because I liked them so much.


Active Member
oh i also have peppermints in mine....but i'm sure its like questionable fish, some are good and some are a terror....good luck


Active Member
That is a big enough tank to have both the cbs and cleaner shrimp together. The cleaner shrimp has enough room to stay away from the cbs.


I have had my CBS since i first started my reef in a 20 gall 2 years ago. The tank has since been upgraded 4 times and now he is in a 125 gal reef. I also have 3 pepermins and Cleaner shrimp. Never have had problems. BUt hmm for some reason every time i buy a 30 dollar fish it disappears after a week. but my 3 dollar damsels are still kickin cant get rid of them. hehe